package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter; import com.sun.javadoc.FieldDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.Tag; import; import; import; /** * * @dtf.feature XML Documentation * Tag Development * @dtf.feature.desc * * <p> * When writing tests you can document those tests using JavaDoc tags, that are * then transformed into this document you are reading right now. Using these * tags is a really simple and you only need to know some HTML if you want to * make your documentation look a bit neater. Here are the list of available * documentation tags that you can use within your tags and also to document any * new features built into DTF. * </p> * <p> * For examples on using these tags just have a look at any source file with * '@dtf.feature' or '@dtf.tag' taglets in them and you'll find various examples * on how to use this feature to better the documentation of your code. * </p> * * <h3>Tag Documentation</h3> * <table border="1" width="75%"> * <tr><th colspan="2">Class Taglets</th></tr> * <tr><th width="200px">Taglet</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.tag tag</b></td> * <td>This tag is required to identify that the following * documentation is for a tag named tag. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.tag.desc desc</b></td> * <td>This is where you can place a detailed description of what this * tag does and what other resources are useful for reading before * using this tag. You can place almost any HTML elements in this * section which allows you to format your documentation nicely * using tables and lists. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b> author</b></td> * <td>Here you can put the author or authors names who are responsible * for maintaining this tag.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.since version</b></td> * <td>Just a simple indication of since when this tag has existed in * terms of versions of DTF.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.event name</b></td> * <td>This taglet is used to document exactly what events are being * thrown by the tag being documented. This makes the life of the * test writer really simple because he/she can consult this * documentation to easily identify what information is available * from executing this tag. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.event.attr name</b></td> * <td>With this taglet you can identify all the names of attributes * that an event has so that the test writer knows exactly what * he/she can get back from executing your tag. This tag depends on * the previously documented event name so be sure to use the * '@dtf.event' taglet before this one.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.event.attr.desc desc</b></td> * <td>This taglet is used to describe the previously identified * attribute using the @dtf.event.attr taglet. So be sure to use * that taglet previous to this one otherwise logically the * documentation won't make sense. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.example example</b></td> * <td>This tag can be used to identify example XML documentation that * shows exact XML samples of how to use the tag being documented. * So the body of this taglet can be any XML you'd like just be * sure to place a single root element around your XML. * </td> * </tr> * </table> * <br/> * * <table border="1" width="75%"> * <tr><th colspan="2">Attribute Taglets</th></tr> * <tr><th width="200px">Taglet</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.attr name</b></td> * <td>This identifies the name of the attribute being documented here.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.attr.desc desc</b></td> * <td> * This is where you can place the description of the attribute being * documented.You can place almost any HTML elements in this section * which allows you to format your documentation nicely using tables * and lists. * </td> * </tr> * </table> * <br/> * * <table border="1" width="75%"> * <tr><th colspan="2">Utility Taglets</th></tr> * <tr><th width="200px">Taglet</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr> * <td><b> name</b></td> * <td> * This tag allows you to create a link to another tag/feature just by * having the correct name specified. The name is case insensitive so * that you don't have to know the exact case spelling of the tag or * feature you're trying to link to. * </td> * </tr> * </table> * <br/> * * <h2>Feature Documentation</h2> * <p> * The feature documentation allows the developer to document features that may * not be a simple XML tag and instead could be the documentation of how * certain dynamic properties work or the documentation on how ranges work. * </p> * <p> * The only two things you need to define for a feature is what the name of * the feature is and which feature group it belongs to. The name of the feature * will appear as a link underneat the feature group. There are some already * existing groups that you can attach your documentation to or you can build * your own group name and that will be added to the list of documented * features in the generated feature documentation. * </p> * <table border="1" width="75%"> * <tr><th colspan="2">Feature Taglets</th></tr> * <tr><th width="200px">Taglet</th><th>Description</th></tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.feature name</b></td> * <td>The name of the feature being documented.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b> group</b></td> * <td> * The logical group belongs to within the documentation being * generated. This is going to be used to display this feature within * the same group as as other features with the same group name. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.feature.desc desc</b></td> * <td> * The description of this feature along with any information that * might be useful for the test writers that may find this feature to * be useful. You can place almost any HTML elements in this section * which allows you to format your documentation nicely using tables * and lists. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td><b>@dtf.example example</b></td> * <td> * This tag can be used to identify example XML documentation that * shows exact XML samples of how to use the feature being documented. * So the body of this taglet can be any XML you'd like just be sure to * place a single root element around your XML. * </td> * </tr> * </table> */ public class DTFDoclet { private static final String TAGS_DIRECOTRY = "tags"; private static final String FEATURES_DIRECTORY = "features"; public static final String DTF_TAG = "dtf.tag"; public static final String DTF_AUTHOR = ""; public static final String DTF_SINCE = "dtf.since"; public static final String DTF_TAG_DESC = "dtf.tag.desc"; public static final String DTF_TAG_EXAMPLE = "dtf.tag.example"; public static final String DTF_ATTR = "dtf.attr"; public static final String DTF_ATTR_DESC = "dtf.attr.desc"; public static final String DTF_LINK = ""; public static final String DTF_XML = "dtf.xml"; public static final String DTF_EVENT = "dtf.event"; public static final String DTF_EVENT_ATTR = "dtf.event.attr"; public static final String DTF_EVENT_ATTR_DESC = "dtf.event.attr.desc"; public static final String DTF_FEATURE = "dtf.feature"; public static final String DTF_FEATURE_GROUP = ""; public static final String DTF_FEATURE_DESC = "dtf.feature.desc"; public static final String DTF_EXAMPLE = "dtf.example"; /* * Used to basically flag that a specific tag should not be added to the * main page indexed tags. This is useful if you have tags that only apply * within certain other tags and shouldn't be seen as root level tags. */ public static final String DTF_SKIP_INDEX = "dtf.skip.index"; private static class DTFDoc { public String name = null; public Tag[] descriptions = null; public Tag[] examples = null; public String qname = null; } public static boolean start(RootDoc root) throws Exception { ClassDoc[] classes = root.classes(); ArrayList<String> packagenames = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<ClassDoc>> packages = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ClassDoc>>(); ArrayList<String> fgroupnames = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<DTFDoc>> fgroups = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<DTFDoc>>(); String[][] options = root.options(); String destination = null; String xsd = null; for(int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (options[i][0].equals("-d")) { destination = options[i][1]; } if (options[i][0].equals("-dtfxsd")) { xsd = options[i][1]; } } if (destination == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("-d option needs to be specified"); } if (xsd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("-dtfxsd option needs to be specified"); } String tagdir = destination + File.separatorChar + TAGS_DIRECOTRY; File dir = new File(tagdir); if ( !dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs() ) { throw new DTFException("Unable to create directory [" + tagdir + "]"); } String featuredir = destination + File.separatorChar + FEATURES_DIRECTORY; dir = new File(featuredir); if ( !dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs() ) { throw new DTFException("Unable to create directory [" + featuredir + "]"); } PrintStream psIndex = createFile(destination + File.separatorChar + "index.html"); psIndex.println("<html>"); psIndex.println(" <head>"); psIndex.println(" <link rel='stylesheet' " + "href='main.css' " + "type='text/css'>"); psIndex.println(" </head>"); psIndex.println(" <body id='body'>"); psIndex.println(" <h1>DTF Documentation</h1>"); ArrayList<String> tnames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> fnames = new ArrayList<String>(); /* * 1st phase * * Filter out non DTF related JavaDocs and also gather the list of * packages that contain different DTF Actions. Create a TOC for the * whole document. */ for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) { ClassDoc classdoc = classes[i]; /* * Identify which ones have DTF XML tags */ if (classdoc.tags(DTF_TAG).length != 0) { String classname = classdoc.qualifiedName(); String packagename = classname.substring(0, classname.lastIndexOf(".")); tnames.add(classname.replace(packagename + ".", "").toLowerCase()); if (!packages.containsKey(packagename)) { packages.put(packagename, new ArrayList<ClassDoc>()); packagenames.add(packagename); } packages.get(packagename).add(classdoc); } MethodDoc[] methoddocs = classes[i].methods(); for (int m = 0; m < methoddocs.length; m++ ) { if ( methoddocs[m].tags(DTF_FEATURE).length != 0 ) { String fgroup = methoddocs[m].tags(DTF_FEATURE_GROUP)[0].text(); if (!fgroups.containsKey(fgroup)) { fgroups.put(fgroup, new ArrayList<DTFDoc>()); fgroupnames.add(fgroup); } DTFDoc dtfdoc = new DTFDoc(); = methoddocs[m].tags(DTF_FEATURE)[0].text(); dtfdoc.descriptions = methoddocs[m].tags(DTF_FEATURE_DESC); dtfdoc.examples = methoddocs[m].tags(DTF_EXAMPLE); fnames.add(; fgroups.get(fgroup).add(dtfdoc); } } /* * Find the documented features through out the code as well */ if (classdoc.tags(DTF_FEATURE).length != 0) { String fgroup = classdoc.tags(DTF_FEATURE_GROUP)[0].text(); if (!fgroups.containsKey(fgroup)) { fgroups.put(fgroup, new ArrayList<DTFDoc>()); fgroupnames.add(fgroup); } DTFDoc dtfdoc = new DTFDoc(); = classdoc.tags(DTF_FEATURE)[0].text(); dtfdoc.descriptions = classdoc.tags(DTF_FEATURE_DESC); dtfdoc.examples = classdoc.tags(DTF_EXAMPLE); dtfdoc.qname = classdoc.qualifiedName(); fnames.add(; fgroups.get(fgroup).add(dtfdoc); } } /* * Sorting makes it easier to find what you want in the documentation */ Collections.sort(packagenames); Collections.sort(fgroupnames); Iterator<String> iter = fgroupnames.iterator(); psIndex.println("<div id='features'>"); psIndex.println(" <div id='features_title'>Features</div>"); int counttags = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( counttags == 0 ) { psIndex.println("<div class='feature_row'>"); } psIndex.println("<div class='feature_div'>"); String feature = (String); psIndex.println("<div class='feature_name'>" + feature + "</div>"); psIndex.println("<div id='collapsible_"+ feature + "' class='feature_elems'" + "style='display: block;'>"); ArrayList<DTFDoc> features = fgroups.get(feature); for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { DTFDoc dtfdoc = features.get(i); psIndex.println("<a class='feature_elem' href='" + FEATURES_DIRECTORY + "/" + + ".html'>" + + "</a>"); } psIndex.println("</div>"); psIndex.println("</div>"); counttags++; if ( counttags == 4 ) { psIndex.println("</div>"); counttags = 0; } } if ( counttags > 0 ) { psIndex.println("</div>"); } psIndex.println("</div>"); /* * Link to the root element of the DTF XML as a starting point for the * testcase writing. */ Collections.sort(packagenames); iter = packagenames.iterator(); psIndex.println("<div id='tags'>"); psIndex.println("<div id='tags_title'>Tags</div>"); counttags = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { String pname = (String); ArrayList<ClassDoc> tags = packages.get(pname); String aux = pname.substring(pname.lastIndexOf(".actions.") + "actions.".length()+1); aux = aux.replaceAll("\\."," "); aux = StringUtil.capitalize(aux); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { ClassDoc classdoc = (ClassDoc)tags.get(i); if ( classdoc.tags(DTF_SKIP_INDEX).length == 0 ) { String tagname =; buffer.append("<a class='tag_elem' href='" + TAGS_DIRECOTRY + "/" + tagname + ".html'>" + tagname + "</a> "); } } if ( buffer.length() != 0 ) { if ( counttags == 0 ) { psIndex.println("<div class='tag_row'>"); } psIndex.println("<div class='tag_div'>"); psIndex.println("<div class='tag_name' " + "onclick=\"togglediv('collapsible_" + aux + "');\">" + aux + "</div>"); psIndex.println("<div id='collapsible_" + aux + "' " + "class='tag_elems' " + "style='display: block;'>"); psIndex.print(buffer.toString()); psIndex.println("</div>"); psIndex.println("</div>"); counttags++; if ( counttags == 5 ) { psIndex.println("</div>"); counttags = 0; } } } if ( counttags > 0 ) { psIndex.println("</div>"); } psIndex.println("</div>"); /* * 1st phase * * Tag documentation generation that will generate a separate HTML file * for each of the DTF actions that are documented with DTF javadoc * tags. */ iter = packagenames.iterator(); FileInputStream fis; try { fis = new FileInputStream(xsd); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new Exception("Error accessing XSD.",e); } XSDHandler dtfXSD = new XSDHandler(fis); while (iter.hasNext()) { String pname = (String); ArrayList tags = (ArrayList)packages.get(pname); info("Package " + pname); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { ClassDoc classdoc = (ClassDoc)tags.get(i); String tagname =; PrintStream ps = createFile(tagdir + File.separatorChar + tagname + ".html"); info("Tag " + tagname); ps.println("<html>"); ps.println(" <head>"); ps.println(" <link rel='stylesheet' " + "href='../main.css' " + "type='text/css'>"); ps.println(" <title>" + + "</title>"); ps.println(" </head>"); ps.println(" <body id='body'>"); ps.println("<div id='nav'>"); ps.println("<a href='../index.html'>Home</a></div>"); // Hiding the class name in the tooltip of the title :) ps.println("<div id='tag_title' title='" + classdoc.qualifiedName() + "'>" + + "</div>"); /* * Description */ ps.println("<div id='tag_description'>"); Tag[] descriptions = classdoc.tags(DTF_TAG_DESC); if (descriptions.length != 0) { for (int d = 0; d < descriptions.length; d++) { ps.print(treatTag(descriptions[d],tnames,fnames)); } } ps.println("</div>"); /* * Child tags */ String children = dtfXSD.generateChildrenString(tagname); if ( children != null && children.trim().length() > 0 ) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z_]*)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(children); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int laststart = 0; while ( matcher.find() ) { String match =; int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); match = match.toLowerCase(); if ( match.trim().length() > 0 ) { result.append(children.substring(laststart,start)); result.append("<a href='" + match + ".html'>" + match + "</a>"); laststart=end; } } result.append(children.substring(laststart)); ps.print("<div class='tag_children_label'>Children Tags</div>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_children'>"); ps.print(result.toString()); ps.print("</div>"); } /* * Events */ Tag[] events = classdoc.tags(DTF_EVENT); Tag[] eventsAttrs = classdoc.tags(DTF_EVENT_ATTR); Tag[] eventsDesc= classdoc.tags(DTF_EVENT_ATTR_DESC); if (eventsAttrs.length != eventsDesc.length) { // XXX: throw an exception } if (eventsAttrs.length != 0) { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> eventMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>>(); /* * Construct all the relations between events and their * attributes. */ for (int a = 0; a < events.length; a++) { String[] eventNames = events[a].text().trim().split(" "); for (int e = 0; e < eventNames.length; e++) { if (!eventMap.containsKey(eventNames[e])) { eventMap.put(eventNames[e], new HashMap<String,String>()); } String attrName = eventsAttrs[a].text(); String attrDesc = treatTag(eventsDesc[a],tnames,fnames); ((HashMap)eventMap.get(eventNames[e])).put(attrName, attrDesc); } } ps.print("<div class='tag_events_label'>Events</div>"); Iterator<Entry<String,HashMap<String,String>>> eventIter = eventMap.entrySet().iterator(); ps.print("<div class='tag_events'>"); while ( eventIter.hasNext() ) { Entry<String,HashMap<String, String>> entry =; HashMap<String, String> attribs = entry.getValue(); ps.print("<div class='tag_event'>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_event_name'>" + entry.getKey() + " Event</div>"); Iterator<Entry<String,String>> attribIter = attribs.entrySet().iterator(); while ( attribIter.hasNext() ) { Entry<String,String> attrib =; ps.print("<div class='tag_event_attribute'>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_event_attribute_name'>" + attrib.getKey() + "</div>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_event_attribute_value'>" + attrib.getValue() + "</div>"); ps.print("</div>"); } ps.print("</div>"); } ps.print("</div>"); } /* * Attributes */ HashMap attrs = new HashMap(); ClassDoc aux = classdoc; while (aux != null) { FieldDoc[] fieldDocs = aux.fields(); for (int f = 0; f < fieldDocs.length; f++) { attrs.put(fieldDocs[f].name(), fieldDocs[f]); } aux = aux.superclass(); } ArrayList<String> attributes = dtfXSD.getAttributes(tagname); ArrayList<String> required = dtfXSD.getRequiredAttributes(tagname); ArrayList<String> optional = dtfXSD.getOptionalAttributes(tagname); if ( attributes != null ) { boolean someopt = false; StringBuffer opt = new StringBuffer(); boolean somereq = false; StringBuffer req = new StringBuffer(); opt.append("<div id='optional_attributes_label'>Optional Attributes</div>"); opt.append("<div id='optional_attributes'>"); req.append("<div id='required_attributes_label'>Required Attributes</div>"); req.append("<div id='required_attributes'>"); Iterator<String> keys = attributes.iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String aName =; StringBuffer which = null; if ( required.contains(aName) ) { which = req; somereq = true; } else if ( optional.contains(aName) ) { which = opt; someopt = true; } if ( which != null ) { which.append("<div class='attribute'>"); which.append("<div class='attribute_name'>" + aName + "</div>"); FieldDoc doc = (FieldDoc)attrs.get(aName); if (doc != null) { Tag[] descs = doc.tags(DTF_ATTR_DESC); if (descs.length != 0) { which.append("<div class='attribute_desc'>" + treatTag(descs[0],tnames,fnames) + "</div>"); } } which.append("</div>"); } } if (somereq) { ps.print(req + "</div>"); } if (someopt) { ps.print(opt + "</div>"); } } /* * Examples */ Tag[] examples = classdoc.tags(DTF_TAG_EXAMPLE); if (examples.length != 0) { ps.print("<div class='tag_examples_label'>Usage Examples</div>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_examples'>"); for (int e = 0; e < examples.length; e++) { Tag example = examples[e]; try { String text = example.text().trim(); if (text.length() != 0) { ps.print("<div class='tag_example_container'>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_example_title'>Example #" + (e+1) + "</div>"); ps.print("<div class='tag_example'>" + treatXML(text) + "</div>"); ps.print("</div>"); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw new Exception("Error handling example #" + (e+1) + " of tag " + tagname, exc); } } ps.print("</div>"); } ps.print("</body></html>"); ps.close(); } } /* * 2nd phase for Features * */ iter = fgroupnames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String pname = (String); ArrayList<DTFDoc> tags = fgroups.get(pname); info(pname); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { DTFDoc dtfdoc = tags.get(i); PrintStream ps = createFile(featuredir + File.separatorChar + + ".html"); info("Feature [" + + "]"); ps.println("<html>"); ps.println(" <head>"); ps.println(" <link rel='stylesheet' " + "href='../main.css' " + "type='text/css'>"); ps.println(" <title>" + + "</title>"); ps.println(" </head>"); ps.println(" <body id='body'>"); ps.println("<div id='nav'>"); ps.println("<a href='../index.html'>Home</a></div>"); // Hiding the class name in the tooltip of the title :) ps.println("<div class='feature_title' title='" + dtfdoc.qname + "'>" + + "</div>"); /* * Description */ ps.print("<div class='feature_description'>"); Tag[] descriptions = dtfdoc.descriptions; if (descriptions.length != 0) { for (int d = 0; d < descriptions.length; d++) { ps.print(treatTag(descriptions[d],tnames,fnames)); } } ps.print("</div>"); /* * Examples */ Tag[] examples = dtfdoc.examples; if (examples.length != 0) { ps.print("<div class='feature_examples_label'>Usage Examples</div>"); ps.print("<div class='feature_examples'>"); for (int e = 0; e < examples.length; e++) { Tag example = examples[e]; try { String text = example.text().trim(); if (text.length() != 0) { ps.print("<div class='feature_example_container'>"); ps.print("<div class='feature_example_title'>Example #" + (e+1) + "</div>"); ps.print("<div class='feature_example'>" + treatXML(text) + "</div>"); ps.print("</div>"); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw new Exception("Error handling example #" + (e+1) + " of tag " +, exc); } } ps.print("</div>"); } ps.print("</body></html>"); ps.close(); } } psIndex.print("</td></tr></table>"); psIndex.print("</body></html>"); psIndex.close(); return true; } public static PrintStream createFile(String filename) throws Exception { FileOutputStream fos; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new Exception("Unable to create destination folders.",e); } return new PrintStream(fos); } public static String treatTag(Tag tag, ArrayList<String> tnames, ArrayList<String> fnames) throws Exception { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); Tag[] tags = tag.inlineTags(); for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { Tag aux = tags[i]; if ("text")) { result.append(aux.text()); } else if ("@"+DTF_LINK)) { String name = aux.text().trim().toLowerCase(); String loc = null; if ( tnames.contains(name) ) { loc = "tags"; } else if ( fnames.contains(name) ) { loc = "features"; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to find link to [" + name + "]."); } result.append("<a href='../" + loc + "/" + name + ".html'>" + aux.text() + "</a>"); } else if ("@"+DTF_XML)) { result.append(treatXML(aux.text())); } } return result.toString(); } public static String treatXML(String string) throws Exception { try { DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); string = string.replaceFirst("\\<\\?xml[^<^>]*\\?\\>",""); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes()); Document doc = docBuilder.parse(bais); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); serialize(doc,baos); return "<div class='xml_code'>" + baos.toString() + "</div>"; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error processing XML node.",e); } } public static void serialize(Document doc, OutputStream out) throws Exception { TransformerFactory tfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer serializer; try { ByteArrayOutputStream aux = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // pretty print the XML FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("src/xsl/pretty_printing.xsl"); Source xsl = new StreamSource(fis); serializer = tfactory.newTransformer(xsl); serializer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(aux)); DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(aux.toByteArray()); doc = docBuilder.parse(bais); // XML to HTML fis = new FileInputStream("src/xsl/xmlverbatim.xsl"); xsl = new StreamSource(fis); serializer = tfactory.newTransformer(xsl); serializer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(out)); } catch (TransformerException e) { throw new Exception("Error processing XML node.",e); } } public static int optionLength(String option) { if (option.equals("-d")) return 2; if (option.equals("-dtfxsd")) return 2; return 0; } public static boolean validOptions(String options[][], DocErrorReporter reporter) { return true; } public static void info(String message) { System.out.println(message); } public static void error(String message) { System.err.println(message); } public static void warn(String message) { System.out.println("WARN: " + message); } }